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Paracosmia is a micronation founded by Hannah Hightman dedicated to reintroducing wonder into the world. Our name comes from the word "Paracosm," which refers to an elaborate imaginary world, usually used in reference to child's play. However, although we strongly believe in the protection of childhood, we believe imagination should not be limited to children.

About Paracosmia

The Land

Paracosmia's land claim is a vintage cigar box containing a paper village. The nation exists as a digital space as well, although the most expansive territory of Paracosmia is in your mind.

History & National Symbols

Although not officially founded until recently, Paracosmia has a long and illustrious history, as well as a rich culture and detailed national symbols.

paracosmia coat of arms.jpg
Paracosmia Constitution.jpg
imaginari front.jpg
imaginari back.jpg

Government & Economics

Paracosmia is a socialist executive constitutional monarchy, with an economic policy based on the kinder tenets of Fourierism.

The Royal Family

The Royal Family of Paracosmia comprises Queen Hannah The First and her closest relatives and friends-- all of which are esteemed and eccentric individuals

Congress of Animals

Laws of Paracosmia are made and approved by the Congress of Wise Animals, so that they won't fall victim to human folly. Only the wisest and most distinguished animals are members. 

Citizenship & Daily Life

Citizens of Paracosmia enjoy a relaxed and magical life. We accept beings of all types, and many of our citizens are animals or magical creatures. Although small, Paracosmia has plenty of sights to see and no citizen has complained of boredom. It is an oasis from the strife of the larger world. 


We are so glad that you decided to visit us. If you'd like to make your stay permanent, please fill out the citizenship application. Don't forget to visit our "Citizens" page to print out your citizenship certificate + other fun things! And please, pick up a souvenir!

Apply for Citizenship

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