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Paracosmia was only established as a micronation in 2020, but it's existences began long before that. Most Paracosmians do not abide by the social construct of time, but, in this section, we, nonetheless, have attempted to record a sequence of events that comprise the major events in Paracosmia's history. 

Fairy Settlements

The fairies were the first to arrive in Paracosmia. After a long flight, they were relieved to find such hospitable land, and began to arrange fairy villages that would become the first settlements of Paracosmia. Fortunately, due to the efforts of some artistically-inclined fairies, we do have documentation of these settlements.

Animal Colonies

Following the fairy settlements in Paracosmia, the animals of the forest flocked to our nation. There was much tension between the animals when they first began to set up colonies in Paracosmia.  But, dressed in finery, they established the Congress of Wise Animals as a way of creating laws that governed the land. The establishment of the congress greatly helped mitigate conflicts in the early days of Paracosmia.

Fairy-Animal Alliances

The fairies were quite cordial to the animals, but tensions still occasionally mounted, especially after the establishment of the Congress of Wise Animals. To ensure that all Paracosmians had a say in the laws that governed them, a few fairy representatives were elected to the Congress. This created harmonious relations between each of the respective groups. 

Human Settlers 

Humans only ccame to Paracosmia fairly recently. The first humans in Paracosmia were children-- as it can be hard to get to Paracosmia after childhood. Paracosmians are generally susupicious of humans, as humans have long-doubted their existence. However, Paracosmia is ruled by a human and over time, Paracosmians have warmed up to the species. 

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